I stayed at the Hotel Silken Puerta América Madrid. When you check in, you pick your room by looking at pictures of each room on an iPad. Very cool. Unfortunately, the Wifi was slow, and there were two levels of Wifi: free and not free. The free level didn’t allow you to send and receive email using a client. I’ve been all over the world and have never encountered this method of differentiation. I wasted two hours trying to figure this out—thinking it was because ports were blocked so I had to change port numbers in Mail or go thru various other gyrations.
Hanging out with ministers: (right) Ángeles González-Sinde, Minister of Culture; (left) Miguel Sebastian, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade. He referred to me as “Guy Kurosawa.” Kurosawa, Kiyosaki, Chan, Kawasaki…makes no difference to me.
Read more: http://blog.guykawasaki.com/2010/12/my-reign-in-spain.html#ixzz180njVr73